Premium color combinations – Alpha 821

Smart configuration of massage jets

odlična masaža hrbta
Odlično masažo hrbta po dolgotrajnem delu v sedečem položaju, dolgi vožnji ali bolečin v hrbtu in križu bo omogočila kombinacija Directional PointJET in Twin SwirlJET. Šobe enakih dimenzij lahko menjate in si prilagodite masažne curke tako, kot želite sami.
Two powerful nozzles provide massage of the spine. They release the tension between the vertebrae and relieve pain and ensure good posture.
Full body massage
The lying position offers maximum relaxation of tired back muscles and legs after strenuous exercise or work in a predominantly sitting position. Your body will thus receive an effective massage, after which you will feel reborn.

Adjust the direction of the water jet in the Directional PointJET nozzles for an optimal massage effect.

The double jet in the Twin SwirlJET rotary nozzle enables a powerful deep tissue massage.

The nozzles provide point massage with small but powerful jets to relax tense muscles.

AirBlower nozzles blow air and enable a gentle bubble massage with the option of aropmatherapy.

Several directed smaller jets from one nozzle cover a larger massage area and provide a relaxing effect.
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The best that a hot tub has to offer
Technical details – Hot tub Alpha 821

- Total: 3 massage places
- Seats: 1
- Beds: 2

- Airblower: 6 pcs
- 2” PointJET: 32 pcs
- 2,5” Directional PointJET: 11 pcs
- 3,5” Directional PointJET: 3 pcs
- 3,5” Twin SwirlJET: 1 piece
- 5” Directional PointJET: 8 pcs
- 5” ShowerJET: 1 piece

- Control system: Balboa (USA) BP2100
- Control panel: Balboa ST3
- Heater: Balboa (USA) M7 Millenium 3kW INOX

- Circulating pump: 1 x 0.25 kW Silence & Energy saver WTC50M
- Massage pump: 2 x 2.2 kW Ceramic sealing
- Air blower: 1 x 0.7 kW

- JJ-Pure cartridge filter: 2 pieces
- OzoneFresh ozone generator: 1 x 50mg / h
- UV sterilizer Pro-UV: 1 piece
- Suction baskets: 3 pieces

- LED RGB underwater lighting: 18 pieces
- LED RGB underwater lighting large: 1 piece
- LED RGB pool edge lighting: 4 pieces
- LED RGB fountain lighting: 3 pieces
- LED RGB lighting of the drink stand: 2 pieces

- Framework: Plastic imitation wood
- Construction: Stainless Steel
- Shell: Aristech Acrylic (USA)
- Base: ABS

- Thermal cover
- Stairs
- Base
- Skimmer
- Wi-Fi connection
- EVA pillows: 2 pcs
- Waterfall: 2 pcs
- Pop-up fountain: 2 pcs
- Set for than water

- Stand for thermal cover
- Milk Bath
- Bluetooth radio and two speakers
*Additional equipment available at extra cost

- ThermaCoat Premium foam
- Thermal cover
- Pedestal
- FoilGuard insulating film (surcharge)
- Additional wall and plinth insulation (surcharge)

Conductor 3 × 4 mm² and 25 A class C fuse
Conductor 5 × 2.5 mm² and 3 × 16 A class C fuse*
*Consult with a service technician before preparing the installation

- Construction: 10 years
- Shell surface – acrylic: 5 years
- Other equipment: 2 years
JJSPA Alpha 821 – Hot tub
Possibility of entering errors.
We reserve the right that the product may differ from the one given in terms of specifications and prices.
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