MILK BATH: beauty and health for your skin
Milk Bath function in the JJSPA Alpha 923 PREMIUM hot tub creates a unique relaxation experience. With the help of tiny bubbles, the water turns into a milk bath that gently embraces your body and provides you with a feeling of complete pampering. This special bath not only soothes, but also intensely moisturizes and softens the skin, making it an excellent choice for anyone who wants not only relaxation, but also skin care.
The Milk Bath function is especially useful for people with sensitive skin, allergies or various skin problems. The bubbles in the water have a beneficial effect on the skin, opening pores and enabling deep cleansing, while soothing itching and redness. This not only makes the skin smoother and softer, but also improves its appearance and health. The gentle action of this feature provides a pleasant feeling of comfort and relaxation while carefully caring for your skin, making every moment in this pool unique and healing.


NIR ali Near Infrared (bližnja infrardeča) je najkrajša valovna dolžina, ki celicam dostavlja energijo z žarki z valovno dolžino 800-1400 nm.
Ti žarki sežejo tik pod površino usnjice, zato imajo številne koristi na stanja kože. Spodbujajo celjenje ran, regenerirajo celice in tako ospešujejo rast tkiva. Ublažijo tudi razna vnetja, izboljšuje stanje gub ter spodbuja sintezo kolagena.

MIR ali Middle Infrared (srednja infrardeča) proizvaja IR žarke z valovno dolžino 1400 – 3000 nm. Žarki so daljši od NIR žarkov, zato prodrejo globje pod kožo.
Penetrirajo mehka tkiva in pomagajo pri vnetjih ter bolečinah. Pospešujejo cirkulacijo krvi, s tem pa celice dobijo več kisika in
hranil. T orpipomore k hitrejšemu celjenju tkiva in zmanjšanju

FIR ali Far Infrared (dolga infrardeča) zajema žarke z valovno dolžino 3,000 nm – 1 mm. Ti žarki prodrejo najglobje in stimulirajo znojne žleze, kar pripomore k boljšemu izločanju toksinov.
Ta vrsta IR svetlobe poveča srčni utrip, spodbudi srčni utrip in pospeši metabolizem, kar se odraža tudi na hitrejši porabi kalorij.
Premium color combinations – Alpha 923 PREMIUM

Smart configuration of massage nozzles

excellent back massage
A great back massage after long periods of sitting, long driving or back and lower back pain will be possible with the combination of Directional PointJET and Twin SwirlJET. You can change the nozzles of the same dimensions and adjust the massage jets to your liking.
Two powerful nozzles provide a spinal massage. They release tension between the vertebrae, relieve pain, and ensure good posture.
Full body massage WITH JACUZZI aLPHA 923 PREMIUM
The lying position offers maximum relaxation for tired back muscles and legs after strenuous exercise or work in a predominantly sitting position. Your body will receive an effective massage that will leave you feeling reborn.

Adjust the direction of the water jet in the Directional PointJET nozzles for optimal massage effect.

The dual jet in the Twin SwirlJET rotary nozzle enables a powerful deep tissue massage.

The nozzles provide a point massage with small but powerful jets to relax tense muscles.

AirBlower šobe pihajo zrak in omogočijo nežno mehurčkasto masažo z opcijo aropmaterapije.

Multiple directed smaller jets from one nozzle cover a larger massage area and provide a relaxing effect.
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The best a hot tub can offer
Technical details – Alpha 923 PREMIUM

- Total: 5 massage places
- Seats: 3
- Beds: 2

- 1” Directional PointJET: 49 pcs
- 2.5” Twin SwirlJET: 5 pcs
- 3.5” Directional PointJET: 10 pcs li>
- 3.5” Twin SwirlJET: 3 pieces
- 5.5” Directional PointJET: 1 piece

- Control system: Balboa (USA) BP21MS2B + milk bath
- Control panel: Balboa TP800
- Heater: Balboa (USA) M7 Millenium 3kW INOX

- Circulation pump: 1 x 0.35 kW Silence & Energy saver WTC50M
- Massage pump: 3 x 2.2 kW Ceramic seal

- JJ-Pure cartridge filter: 2 pieces
- OzoneFresh ozone generator: 1 x 50mg / h
- Pro-UV UV sterilizer: 1 piece
- Suction basket: 6 pieces

- LED RGB underwater lighting, large: 1 piece
- LED RGB spot underwater lighting: 18 pieces
- LED RGB waterfall lighting: 1 piece
- LED RGB drink coaster lighting: 4 pieces
- LED RGB edge lighting: 4 pieces

- Frame: Wood-look plastic
- Construction: STAINLESS STEEL
- Shell: USA Acrylics
- Base: ABS

- Thermal cover
- Stairs
- Base
- 2 x speakers with active subwoofer
- Skimmer
- EVA cushions: 3 pcs
- Large waterfall: 1 pc
- Drink coasters: 4 pcs
- Water care set

- Thermal lid stand
- Milk Bath
- Additional edge and bottom insulation
*Optional accessories available at extra cost

- ThermaCoat Premium foam
- Thermal cover
- Base
- FoilGuard insulation foil (extra charge)
- Additional wall and base insulation (extra charge)

*Consult a service technician before preparing the installation

- Construction: 10 years
- Shell surface – acrylic: 5 years
- Other equipment: 2 years
JJSPA Alpha 923 PREMIUM – Massage pool
Possibility of entering errors.
We reserve the right that the product may differ from the specifications and prices stated.
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